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Kevin Croitz
I love the inspiring ideals of this church, another way to help would be to open up a tiny house community to swell the membership to their church and have a trade school involved to teach members good skills to survive in the world
Jitendra Kumer Sahu
my friend's sister makes $61 hourly on the laptop . She has been out of a job for eight months but last month her check was $21010 just working on the laptop for a few hours.

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Jack Hills
This church is sacrilegious. The latest trend by Satan is to invent new interpretations of the Bible and thus new churches that fall away from the word of God, so LGBTQ's can falsely believe they can be saved.
Brent Manor
I think maybe a reading of the Bible without the lenses of dogma spread by some pastors would be good. Study God's covenants. Jesus is the new covenant. We are not under the law.
And Jesus hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors, and loved on them. You're suppose to be like Him, not your pastor. Not being so critical of those who don't believe what you believe. Your comment is an example of why people think we are hypocrites. Jesus' sacrifice was for all, not some.
Jim Speed
Brent Manor - Sir, apparently you ignored Jesus's words. Just because Jesus went to the poor does NOT mean everyone is saved. He clearly told YOU.. unless you repent you will die in your sins. OH. the law? Actually you ARE under the law.. Another thing you missed, the LAW.. all those sins are STILL SINS.. the way you are judged has changed IF you REPENT and follow Jesus. Otherwise.. you will meet destruction just like anyone else. The Bible is clear.. not hard to understand. If you sin and THINK you can just keep on going like that.. there is no forgiveness left for you.

"For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished" Matt 5:18

"I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish." Luke 13:3

"What should we say then? SHould we continue in sin so that grace may multiply? No!" Romans 6:1-2
Kevin Gamble
Brent Manor Sorry, but that is just utterly ignorant. Jesus said, go and sin no more. By your logic, it's okay to be a murderer, rapist, or pedophile because "Jesus hung out with prostitutes" Get a grip dude..
Emily E. M. Crawford
do they need a soprano?.....asking for a.....me, ,me I'm asking for me.
Katie Whitescarver Scott
This direction is inspiring. Very cool Jubilee.
Jim Speed
How is glorifying SIN inspiring? Are you serious? God is CLEAR about what sin is.. and, if we continue to sin there is no forgiveness left for us. Homosexuality and blatantly ignoring the command that women not be placed in positions of authority over men show they are throwing God's direction back in His face.

"If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God." Hebrews 10:26-27
Pauline Smit
so refreshing... wish it was in my neighbourhood.
Gary F Campla
Hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah
Arthur Bennett
"Everyone opens their handouts — a section of Marx’s Capital,..."

That's all you need to know.
David Alvaro
Nobody tell this dork that the early Christian church was socialist.
Kimberley O'Donnell
Yes, Arthur Bennet’s faceless profile is NOT ready for Acts 4:22
(The Believers Share Their Possessions)
“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”
Charles Spiegel
The devil is taking many of these people on a path to Hell.
Jim Speed
Very clearly stated and 100% TRUE Charles.
Jim Speed
Let me repeat.. NOTHING that you do or say will CHANGE GOD'S WORD people. You want to be homosexual? Fine.. then you cannot be Christians. You want to ignore God's commands about women in leadership over men? Then you are not part of the Body of Christ. You are in open REBELLION. You are telling yourselves what you all want to hear.. but it means absolutely nothing. You are OUTSIDE the Body of Christ. You have EXILED yourselves to oblivion and outer darkness because you LOVE YOUR SIN TOO MUCH TO GIVE IT UP.

Jesus was clear as a bell, "If you do not repent, you will DIE in your sins".. Luke 13:3

Jesus also said, "If you LOVE ME, OBEY My commands!" John 14:15
Jim Speed
I REALLY want to see one of you try and EXPLAIN how open homosexuality is just fine with God.. You can't .. Scripture blasts a hole in that stupidity a mile wide.
Randy Haluza-delay
Happy to see conscious efforts to apply a loving and living faith described in this story. I say that as someone who is Christian and takes his faith very seriously.
The way most Americans live their faith is not consistent with the understanding of many, many Christians around the world and over the 20 centuries of Christian history. Wow- quite a range of responses to the article!
Jim Speed
Mr. Delay. Jesus was clear when He said, "If you LOVE ME, OBEY MY COMMANDS!" John 14:15

Jesus did NOT come to tell everyone that they could KEEP SINNING as in homosexuality and other perversions and still be a Christian. You simply cannot. Christian means CHRIST-LIKE.. homosexuality has NOTHING whatsoever to do with being Christ-Like. The Word is clear about how utterly deviant it is. The Old Testament called Bestiality and Homosexuality ABOMINATIONS.. the only two sins listed as such.

If you THINK GOD.. or the WORD of God "Changes".. you are 100% WRONG. Whatever God utters or says remains forever. Everything He said was a sin.. is STILL a sin. Stop being ignorant of His Word and understand what He is trying to get you to see.

"I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed" Malachi 3:6